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    Study & Live in Belfast, Northern Ireland

    A transformative experience rooted in Northern Ireland's complex and beautiful culture and history.


    Adventure awaits in Northern Ireland!

    Imagine wandering through the rolling green hills of Northern Ireland, exploring ancient landmarks, and exploring all the sites of Belfast.

    The John Brown University Irish Studies Program, offered each fall and spring semester, is a transformative experience deeply rooted in the country’s culture and history.

    As part of the Irish Studies Program, you'll take courses in peacemaking and reconciliation, Irish history and culture, and other electives of interest. While there, you will reside in the historic 19th-century Lakeside Manor on four acres overlooking Willis Lake in the quiet suburbs of South Belfast. 

    A variety of field trips are offered that bring the classroom lectures and discussions to life. You’ll also have the opportunity to visit Giant's Causeway, Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge and Dunluce Castle before jumping into the refreshing, 45-degree Herring Pond as part of the study abroad tradition.

    This program is a perfect fit if you have a keen interest in Irish history and politics or have the heart to explore new places. With an emphasis on peace and conflict, you will learn peacemaking tools in Northern Ireland and your own life.

    Join us in Belfast!

    Open to students from

    GFU-logo  Anderson  dordt-1  
    liberty-1  wheaton northwestern  
    Interested in partnering with JBU to bring the Irish Studies Program to your CCCU institution?
    Email Billy Stevenson or Melissa Stevenson.

    A rich and unforgettable academic experience

    One of the unique features of the Irish Studies Program is the "places as text" structure. Classes are held Monday - Thursday, and each Friday the group travels together to one of the historic and cultural sites that makes the class material come alive. 

    >> Course Details
    >> Places You'll Visit

    What students are saying...

    Chloe John Brown Univeresity

    Being here has honestly been like a spiritual retreat for me — living here and being wrapped up in the culture and realizing that the world is a lot bigger than my little space back home in Arkansas. God has taught me to appreciate his creation and the people that he's made. It was incredible some of the churches and fellowships that we've been a part of, especially the college community. God is moving all across the world.

    Tobias B. John Brown University

    It gave me new friends, amazing memories and brand-new lessons to learn. I had no idea that the Northern Irish conflict was so complicated or ran so deep. Some of my favorite things were the late nights we would stay up and watch movies, talk, and laugh till we cried. I also really, really loved the Friday trips we would take to see areas around Northern Ireland. But what really enhanced every aspect of the trip, was the people I went with, and the people I met while there.

    Anna Liberty University

    You have such a short time in college, and this is an opportunity a lot of people don't get for their entire life. Studying in a place with different people and being a part of your program that's fully developing you in this place is just extraordinary. The community is so good here, and it really shows you how to implement and set up ties of your own, whether you have a family or your future family or whatever that looks like for you.