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    Living in Northern Ireland


    Get to know Northern Ireland

    The island of Ireland is divided into two separate jurisdictions: the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The Republic of Ireland is an independent nation — commonly referred to simply as Ireland — while Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.

    The island of Ireland is 304 miles/486 kilometers long and 172 miles/275 kilometers wide. It is divided into four historic provinces: Ulster, Munster, Leinster and Connaught. Within these four provinces are 32 counties. The Republic of Ireland consists of 26 counties and Northern Ireland consists of six counties.

    The population of the island is currently 6.7 million, with 1.8 million living in Northern Ireland and 4.9 million living in the Republic of Ireland.

    Ireland has a mild, temperate climate. Snow is uncommon, but rain showers can occur at any time of the year!

    >> Discover Northern Ireland website

    >> Lakeside Manor (your home for the program)

    >> The city of Belfast (where Lakeside Manor is located)

    Watch the video below for a beautiful aerial view of Northern Ireland. (Taken in 2017 during a JBU Cathedral Choir Tour in Belfast.)

    Currency & Payment

    Northern Ireland: The British Pound
    Republic of Ireland: The Euro

    Credit cards bearing the Visa or MasterCard symbol will be widely accepted. Visitors with other cards should ask in advance or check if they are on display where they wish to use them. ATM (cash) machines are readily available.

    Northern Ireland